REconnect | Oliver Smith

Words of Wisdom – with Recruit RE and Oliver Smith


“Always put yourself in the shoes of who you are working for and do the best job that you can.”

A drive to succeed and a community focus has seen Oliver Smith from McCulloch Agencies create lasting connections in Tamworth and the district. Working in a diverse market that includes large rural properties has provided an ideal training ground to hone his skills as a sales agent and auctioneer.

Now as he heads towards his first decade in real estate, Oliver’s energetic approach is carving out a reputation built on community connection in an ever-changing market.


Tell us how you started out in the real estate industry

I completed work experience in year ten, in high school and was initially one week and then turned to two weeks after loving it so much. I got offered a job and went to Sydney to the REI NSW to complete the real estate licencing course and proceeded to work for the business I had completed work experience with.

I started in a little town called Quirindi, on the Liverpool Plains and did a couple of years with a smaller business. As she was looking at closing business, I looked for other opportunities to grow and moved to Davidson Cameron. After that was when we decided to start our own agency and began McCulloch Agencies based out of Tamworth.


Is real estate the only industry that you have worked in?

I did a bit of time inhospitality in a traineeship from 14 to 18 and went into real estate from there.


What qualifications did you complete to get into the industry?

We are in a diverse market compared to some of the metropolitan agent requirements and I have a boss who is a dynamic teacher, and you learn on the job.


We have larger regional properties in addition to homes and units. I have my real estate licence and a man accredited auctioneer as well as a stock and station licence and auctioneer accreditation.


In our market we can be selling a house in town or a property out of town with three houses on an acreage and you need to have the tools of the trade and knowledge to sell indifferent markets.


How would you say that your friends and colleagues would describe you?

Pretty charismatic, the life of the party and can always hold a conversation. I’m very social and if there is a BBQ to be had for charity or event, I try to get involved.


Everything we do is based around community and sporting clubs. We held a charity dance recently for a cancer fundraiser and it is great to be part of the fun.


What has been your proudest career moment?

Being listed as the REI Rural Marketer of the Year in 2018 and was one of the earlier jobs that I completed with my boss and got us that nomination.


What would you say is the most rewarding part of your career?

Being able to assist people through the process. Not everyone knows how to buy a house and it's one of the hardest things that a lot of people will do in their lifetime.


It’s rewarding to guide people through that process, like seeing a first-time buyer get their own property and being able to get the pre-approval while showing them all the little steps that we can help with.


Also representing some influential people in the market and assist them with their sale. Some of the homes are quite incredible and have a lot of history being handed down through the generations. Having the privilege of guiding people through the next step and be part of their story is really rewarding.


How was your company helped you reach your career goals?

Our leadership have the thought process that nothing is out of reach, and everything is achievable. Having that vision that to excel in your chosen market and get the best price we sometimes need to think outside the box is great and pushes you.


We have a team that's quite dynamic and driven and it’s important to me and keeps the business coming through because we are an energetic young team.


What advice would you have for early career professionals?

It’s not for everyone and there are a lot of hours behind the scenes that people don't see, there can be disappointment and rejection.


Do the course at the REI which was a big thing for me. I keep in contact with one of the trainers and some of the people from my class and we connect regularly.


It’s important to build those relationships early and try to get work experience with agents in your area. It’s a great industry, it’s very energetic and rewarding.


What advice do you have for maintaining good mental health in real estate?

You could work seven days a week, but that doesn’t help your mental health. It’s important to have some down time and remember that you can’t always be on call for everyone. I did in the early years and it’s remembering that there is life outside of real estate.


Keep fit, enjoy what you doand make time for the important things in life because you don’t get the timeback.


What do you think the greatest challenges are in the real estate industry?

Many of the agents in our area are quite loyal, rewarded, and comfortable. Getting young people into the offices can be quite challenging and we need to be able to get them into the industry and mentor them up through the ranks.


The paperwork isn’t always a focus and it’s important to be yourself, show up and do your best. Being able to hold a conversation and having a drive to work can be just as important as what is written on the resume.


How do you find the best talent to join your team?

We find that we have enquiries through word of mouth in our market. We recently did an information night with the local high school and gave information for those school leavers over the next 12 months who are looking at getting into the industry.


What's your opinion of the current real estate market?

I think there are some hard times ahead and there has been a shift especially in what the banks are lending. However real estate is always a good investment and we have seen an increase of around 30% in the last few years with people moving into the area and out of cities. While it might be a bit more of a challenge over the next 12months, there are always people looking to buy and sell and it makes for an interesting market.


What advice would

It’s important to have a conversation with the bank around your borrowing capacity and keeping in touch with agents who are on the ground listing and selling every day and can help you out.

Monitor the market and keep an eye on what is moving and selling. Everything can change so fast and keep an eye on the days on market to be on top of it.


What is your top tip for anyone to flourish in the real estate industry?

Be yourself and be comfortable in what you do. Be a good communicator, genuine and authentic. Don’t make things up because it will bring you undone. Always call people back and it will come back to reward you down the track.


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REconnect | Oliver Smith

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REconnect by Recruit RE is a series created to share learnings, wisdom and practical advice from some of the leading real estate professionals within our industry.

Words of Wisdom – with Recruit RE and Oliver Smith


“Always put yourself in the shoes of who you are working for and do the best job that you can.”

A drive to succeed and a community focus has seen Oliver Smith from McCulloch Agencies create lasting connections in Tamworth and the district. Working in a diverse market that includes large rural properties has provided an ideal training ground to hone his skills as a sales agent and auctioneer.

Now as he heads towards his first decade in real estate, Oliver’s energetic approach is carving out a reputation built on community connection in an ever-changing market.


Tell us how you started out in the real estate industry

I completed work experience in year ten, in high school and was initially one week and then turned to two weeks after loving it so much. I got offered a job and went to Sydney to the REI NSW to complete the real estate licencing course and proceeded to work for the business I had completed work experience with.

I started in a little town called Quirindi, on the Liverpool Plains and did a couple of years with a smaller business. As she was looking at closing business, I looked for other opportunities to grow and moved to Davidson Cameron. After that was when we decided to start our own agency and began McCulloch Agencies based out of Tamworth.


Is real estate the only industry that you have worked in?

I did a bit of time inhospitality in a traineeship from 14 to 18 and went into real estate from there.


What qualifications did you complete to get into the industry?

We are in a diverse market compared to some of the metropolitan agent requirements and I have a boss who is a dynamic teacher, and you learn on the job.


We have larger regional properties in addition to homes and units. I have my real estate licence and a man accredited auctioneer as well as a stock and station licence and auctioneer accreditation.


In our market we can be selling a house in town or a property out of town with three houses on an acreage and you need to have the tools of the trade and knowledge to sell indifferent markets.


How would you say that your friends and colleagues would describe you?

Pretty charismatic, the life of the party and can always hold a conversation. I’m very social and if there is a BBQ to be had for charity or event, I try to get involved.


Everything we do is based around community and sporting clubs. We held a charity dance recently for a cancer fundraiser and it is great to be part of the fun.


What has been your proudest career moment?

Being listed as the REI Rural Marketer of the Year in 2018 and was one of the earlier jobs that I completed with my boss and got us that nomination.


What would you say is the most rewarding part of your career?

Being able to assist people through the process. Not everyone knows how to buy a house and it's one of the hardest things that a lot of people will do in their lifetime.


It’s rewarding to guide people through that process, like seeing a first-time buyer get their own property and being able to get the pre-approval while showing them all the little steps that we can help with.


Also representing some influential people in the market and assist them with their sale. Some of the homes are quite incredible and have a lot of history being handed down through the generations. Having the privilege of guiding people through the next step and be part of their story is really rewarding.


How was your company helped you reach your career goals?

Our leadership have the thought process that nothing is out of reach, and everything is achievable. Having that vision that to excel in your chosen market and get the best price we sometimes need to think outside the box is great and pushes you.


We have a team that's quite dynamic and driven and it’s important to me and keeps the business coming through because we are an energetic young team.


What advice would you have for early career professionals?

It’s not for everyone and there are a lot of hours behind the scenes that people don't see, there can be disappointment and rejection.


Do the course at the REI which was a big thing for me. I keep in contact with one of the trainers and some of the people from my class and we connect regularly.


It’s important to build those relationships early and try to get work experience with agents in your area. It’s a great industry, it’s very energetic and rewarding.


What advice do you have for maintaining good mental health in real estate?

You could work seven days a week, but that doesn’t help your mental health. It’s important to have some down time and remember that you can’t always be on call for everyone. I did in the early years and it’s remembering that there is life outside of real estate.


Keep fit, enjoy what you doand make time for the important things in life because you don’t get the timeback.


What do you think the greatest challenges are in the real estate industry?

Many of the agents in our area are quite loyal, rewarded, and comfortable. Getting young people into the offices can be quite challenging and we need to be able to get them into the industry and mentor them up through the ranks.


The paperwork isn’t always a focus and it’s important to be yourself, show up and do your best. Being able to hold a conversation and having a drive to work can be just as important as what is written on the resume.


How do you find the best talent to join your team?

We find that we have enquiries through word of mouth in our market. We recently did an information night with the local high school and gave information for those school leavers over the next 12 months who are looking at getting into the industry.


What's your opinion of the current real estate market?

I think there are some hard times ahead and there has been a shift especially in what the banks are lending. However real estate is always a good investment and we have seen an increase of around 30% in the last few years with people moving into the area and out of cities. While it might be a bit more of a challenge over the next 12months, there are always people looking to buy and sell and it makes for an interesting market.


What advice would

It’s important to have a conversation with the bank around your borrowing capacity and keeping in touch with agents who are on the ground listing and selling every day and can help you out.

Monitor the market and keep an eye on what is moving and selling. Everything can change so fast and keep an eye on the days on market to be on top of it.


What is your top tip for anyone to flourish in the real estate industry?

Be yourself and be comfortable in what you do. Be a good communicator, genuine and authentic. Don’t make things up because it will bring you undone. Always call people back and it will come back to reward you down the track.


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